
Denver, CO (VOL IV)

Anthony asked me to remove his microphone because he had to go, which I kindly did. We got off the bus and Anthony was going to get his Ozone. He was even going to let us in there but he asked Sathari and she said no. I guess because the ozone treatment is still illegal in some parts in the US.

The funniest thing happened when we were hanging out around the backstage entrance. The band travel in their tour buses except for Chad who is flying to all the venues due to special circumstances. So Chad flies on show day and is driven to the venue. When he arrived to this venue, he was walking very self assured into the backstage area and the security woman asked him to show her his pass. I could not believe it! Chad said "I'm the drummer of the band!" I wanted to laugh so much. The woman turned around to ask us wether that was true or not. That was hilarious. "Yeah, he's the drummer" and she let him in. I think he was a little bit shocked but he was laughing too. Bless his soul.

I can't remember what the show was like. But I think it was good :Blackie was backstage with James, Anthony's brother.

Right after the show Geli and I waited for Anthony at his request. We stood outside his tour bus and waited for him to come out. I will never ever forget the way he looked at me. He was walking up the steps and he was staring at me in the eyes as he kept walking. And he was smiling at me. It was a very subtle smile. He didn´t look anywhere else or stopped smiling.
"We came to say good night".I told him
He asked if we were heading back to our hotel. And we kept looking at each other´s eyes. Right behind him was Louie. ¨But you´re coming to Albuquerque tomorrow, right?¨said Louie. And that´s when the eye contact got broken.
What happened in round 2 was the last thing I would have ever expected. It was round 2 where he knocked me out, and eventually happily enlightened, I realized of the whole and unavoidable ultimate truth: Anthony Kiedis is just another man. Woaw.


rjrumfh said...

Wonderful entries Barbie...but you know...kinda makes me feel guilty
...why you ask?...well...I think back and I promised to send you shows I have and never did and the Denver show sounds so nice. Tell ya something that's kinda neat...the mics used to record that show is now in my possession. I got them through a friend of a friend if you know what I mean. I've used them to record the last two shows I attended. Barbie you are indeed a cool gal...thanks for being such a good friend.

Young_Kentucky_Girl said...

I love microphones :)don't worry about it. *kiss*

Anonymous said...

wow. you really met him. lucky you. :)
i'd like to meet Flea, and his Bass. xD well, it's impossible.

Young_Kentucky_Girl said...

Michal, impossible doesn't exist. You have the power to make the deepest desires in your heart happen ;)Really.

Anonymous said...

it's not that easy, when you live in a country called "Poland" :P
but i'm gonna see Chilis on July 3rd! :]